Lent Lectures with Dayspring

Lent is upon us and we will be having a series of Lent Lectures with Dayspring in Christ Church at 7.30pm on Tuesdays during Lent.  The speakers are excellent and we, at Christ Church, are incredibly grateful to Dayspring for booking them!

There will be refreshments and time to discuss the content of the lectures and ask questions.  It is a time together when we can learn more about the world in which we live in and where our support would be best placed.  There are so many projects around for us to choose from in order to care for God’s creation – not just human but the whole of it!  Do come along – the church will be warm in temperature and welcome!

There will also be refreshments in the form of a mug of soup and bread roll after the 11am Sunday Worship in Christ Church during Lent.  The idea is that this simple lunch can replace what we would normally have.  Donations are welcome to be sent to support Syrian refugees – who quite possibly will not even receive a mug of soup that day.  The one day we will not be doing this is the 26th MarchMothering Sunday – when Simnel Cake will be available along with the normal Sunday refreshments.  Mothering Sunday is the one day in the Lent season when we are allowed a break from fasting and penance!  So, the dates will be 5th, 12th, 19th  March, 2nd and 9th April for ‘A mug of Soup and Roll’!

Do look out for the Palm Sunday and Easter Day services for April.  It is always lovely to have a crowd participating!

With love to all