Prayer books for Lent.

Prayer books for Lent are now available in all the Churches in the Marden Vale team.


Prayer changes us, especially when we pray together with others.  There can be no renewal without prayer, and there is no limit to what God can do through us when we pray.  Jesus said we should pray for what we want.  The Diocese’s booklets Praying Together Lent 2018 provides short bible reading, reflection, prayer and action for each day in Lent.  You can use the booklet as part of your daily prayer individually or you may want to meet up with one or two friends or a small group; at home, in church, or as part of a ‘prayer’ walk; take 5 minutes or half an hour – there are endless possibilities.  The booklets are available now in all the churches in the Marden Vale Team.

You can also download the contents via the PrayerMate app for your Androis or Apple device.  Simply download the app and search for “Diocese of Salisbury: Praying Together.