Lent Journal – Day 12

“Plastics: blessing or curse?” – the second in the series of Lent Lectures was fascinating and informative.  Adrian Griffiths, CEO of Recycling Technologies, Swindon, imparted facts and statistics, challenged assumptions about recycling, and the carbon cost of plastic compared with paper and glass.  An engaging speaker, Adrian, with humour and passion, shared his journey to develop the technology to recycle waste plastic back into oil, which can then be sold to refiners to make new “virgin” plastic products – truly sustainable recycling.  Check out the website to find out more www.recyclingtechnologies.co.uk
Adrian is also in this year’s Maserati 100 list of UK innovative entrepreneurs (Sunday Times 17th March)

The Scottish government has recognised the potential benefits of this new technology and plans are in place for Recycling Technologies to build its first full-scale plant in Scotland this year.  Maybe we could encourage our local council to get involved?

Adrian talked about our calling to be custodians of God’s creation and the need to tread lightly upon the Earth – themes we have been exploring the last couple of Sundays.  May we walk gently on an earth that is beautiful and broken, that it might come to flourish once again.