Lent Journal – Day 16

“If you are lost in the wood, in the wood.
I will find you.
If you’re afraid of the cold and the dark
I’ll sit beside you…
That’s what friends do.”   
(from ‘Friends’ by Kathryn Cave & Nick Maland)
If you’ve lost touch with a friend (or even if you haven’t) let them know how much you love and appreciate them.
Prayer for Friendship  (Vienna Cobb Anderson)
You have blessed us, O God,
with the gift of friendship,
the bonding of persons
in a circle of love.
We thank you for such a blessing:
for friends who love us,
who share our sorrows,
who laugh with us in celebration,
who bear our pain,
who need us as we need them,
who weep as we weep,
who hold us when words fail,
and who give us the freedom
to be ourselves.
Bless our friends with health,
wholeness, life, and love.  Amen.