
Support Ukraine
Click here to find out how you can support Ukraine or here here to donate to DEC
With Ukraine is a special fund to provide humanitarian assistance to Ukraine’s civilian population established by the Embassy of Ukraine in the UK.
UAHELP-Support Ukraine is coordinating donations and deliveries of essential goods, medicines, food products, special, and medical equipment, as well as volunteer registrations.

I have registered the parishes with Sanctuary Foundation

Update: Currently, the government’s Homes for Ukrainians scheme means people can only seek refuge here if they have a sponsor.  This can be difficult and people are being advised not to use Facebook or other social media for linking up because of safeguarding concerns.   Two reputable charities are currently working on linking refugee families with UK accommodation providers and can also give advice on organising transport – a responsibility that otherwise lands solely on the shoulders of the refugee and sponsor. These two charities are:

Reset communities and refugees is helping to register and match refugees

Citizens UK is supporting group sponsorship which a community group or group of churches might think about

Further information and ways you can help here

Also see Bishop Karen’s letter of 11th March below: